Peelable casting tape

PRODUCTS > MEDICAL PRODUCTS > Peelable casting tape

Peelable casting tape

U-kast orthopedic casting tape has the substrates of fiberglass and polyester.Both of our fiberglass and polyester casting tapes are with high strength and rigidity. The stretchable property allowing easy application without any tucks or folds .the curing time is between 3-4 minutes. It results a strong, durable, lightweight, conformable, ra-diolucent, and porous cast.

U-kast  orthopedic casting tape has the substrates of fiberglass and polyester.Both of our fiberglass and polyester casting tapes are with high strength and rigidity. The stretchable property allowing easy application without any tucks or folds .the curing time is between 3-4 minutes. It results a strong, durable, lightweight, conformable, ra-diolucent, and porous cast.

Excellent Strength, rigidity and durability
Environmental Friendly disposal
Light weight
Easy to operation and remove
Porous and better sanitation
Less dust
Good conformability and mouldability
A varity of colours
Excellent X-ray radiolucency

Warnings And Precautions
Operators should always wear gloves when handling U-Kast, and care should be taken to ensure that the uncured tapedoes not come into contact with the patient's skin.

1.Wear gloves
2.Apply a stokinette overthe desired area to becasted
3. Dip the tape into waterfor 5 seconds
4. Apply U-Kast in a spiral

1.Apply a layer of stockinette or orthopedic padding:
2. Immerse the casting tape in water at 20℃, andfirmly squeezed three or four times
3. The casting tape should be applied in the form of a spiral, each turn overlapping the previous one by aboutone-third to one-half of the non-weight-bearing situations 3-5 layers of bandage are usually sufficientbut 5-7 layers may be required for a weight-bearing cast.
4. If required, splints may be produced from U-Kast casting tape using 3-4 layers of the bandage
5. Casts made from U-Kast may usually be removed with plaster shear